
Draw a Crowd and Attract Customers to Your Next Outdoor Event with Dori Pole Pennant Flags

Are you planning and outdoor festival? A food truck rally? An art festival or a community garage sale? If so, you’re undoubtedly looking for creative ways to increase foot traffic and announce the event to nearby pedestrians. Well, you’re in luck! Dori Pole pennant flags are a time-tested and proven way to raise awareness while […]

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Limited Edition Specialty Pennants Now Available!

If you’re a regular visitor of our site, you may have noticed that we’ve recently added an exciting new product to our online shop. Adding a selection of unique, limited edition pennant flags, we’re giving retailers, event holders, organizers and homeowners even more ways to draw attention to their property, deter birds and attract visitors. […]

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Mounting Dori Pole on a Dock is Easier Than Ever!

I know this is going to read like an “ad’ for a Dori Pole gizmo, but I don’t know how else to brag about our newest accessory! So, here goes: In  answer to many requests from Dori Pole fans, we’ve come up with a really easy way to attach Dori Poles to your dock or […]

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