
While we’re in the throes of winter, it’s time to start thinking about everyone’s favorite time of the year: spring cleaning! Well, maybe it’s not anyone’s favorite but it’s a time-honored tradition and an unfortunate necessity. Every year, thousands of local communities band together to hold neighborhood-wide garage sales to recycle unwanted items culled from their homes during their spring cleaning sessions. But, how can you set your neighborhood’s sale apart from other events? How can you attract foot traffic to your sale without breaking the bank? Thankfully, Dori Pole has the answer! Today, we’re going to look at a couple of the ways that our Dori Poles can help you announce – and advertise – a local garage sale.

Raise awareness

In the days leading up to your garage sale, flying a Dori Pole can bring awareness to the area. By placing a flyer on your pennant flag’s pole, you can attract attention and, hopefully, convince them to return on the day of the big sale!

Increase foot traffic

Vibrant, colorful pennant flags are an eye-catching way to bring people to your neighborhood. Whether they’re walking or driving by, they’re certain to notice a towering, nineteen-foot pole and flag billowing in the wind.

Create a conversation

Time and again, we’ve heard how effective our Dori Poles are at starting conversations. When a visitor stops by, ask them how they found you. When they inevitably respond, “The giant pennant flag!” you’ve got a built-in conversation starter!

At Dori Pole, we believe that our pennant flags have a virtually unlimited number of uses. Whether they’re being used to advertise local retail events, tailgating parties or neighborhood garage sales, we’re confident that there’s no more effective – or affordable – way to advertise. If you’re already planning your post-winter garage sale, check out our online store today!

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