
Below we have addressed literally all the typical questions we get about Dori Poles. We invite you to skim through to see if your question is addressed. If it is not please email your question to info@doripole.com or contact the sales department at 800.525.6424.

What exactly is a Dori Pole?

Dori Pole is a creation of the late Landscape Architect, Vince Mackel, and is manufactured in the US by Consort Display Group in Kalamazoo, Michigan. It combines a tall fiberglass pole and a long, flowing horizontal pennant. The unique product gives any venue a lighter, happier feeling literally inviting folks to join in the fun. Three standard heights are shown on the Consort online store: The 13.5’ Mid-Rise telescoping pole, the 19’ tall telescoping pole and fixed height two-piece 12’ JR pole. A variety of stock and custom 14’ long and 8’ long nylon pennants are available. With the slightest breeze, the Dori pennants fly out playfully, horizontally catching wind and attention. Dori Poles have been around since 1984, thus standing the “test of time”! The pennants are attached to a specially designed, proprietary “Swiveling Yoke” that allows the pennant to move around freely, avoiding entanglement. See our videos.

Through the years, Dori Poles have been used at Olympics, Super Bowls, World Cups, golf courses, amusement parks and many other such venues, including restaurants, private homes and beachfront properties where prevailing winds give Dori Pole pennants a constant dynamic and vibrant presence. More recently they have become known as an effective “bird deterrent”. We became aware of this attribute several years ago when a significant number of customers told us that their nuisance geese and ducks at their lake homes were avoiding the area around their festive Dori Poles. Since that time, we have verified this unusual attribute with our own experiences at our own, and friends’, cottages and lake homes in Michigan. It has been effective in at least nine out of ten installations, although we cannot guarantee that it will work for your birds. Whether your birds like the colorful action or not, we know you will!

What is the Dori Pole warranty?

Dori Pole products are warranted against defects in material and workmanship when installed, handled and maintained according to Consort specifications and/or instructions. Warranty protection is voided when the product is used or installed in any manner contrary to Consort specifications and/or instructions or when the product is altered or modified in any way. The warranty period begins on the date of purchase, which is typically the invoice date.
Dori Pole Yokes and Poles are warranted for one year from the date of purchase when subjected to winds of 35mph or less. See more information below.
Dori Pole pennants are warranted for 30 days in winds of 35mph or less. See more information below.
Important note about the poles: Through the 30-year history of Dori Poles, the actual breaking of the fiberglass pole in winds near and above 35mph is extremely rare. However, in severe winds above 35mph, forceful gusting can occur and all sorts of things can be flying through the air. Also, if the pennants are wet and therefore heavier there will be far more wind resistance applied to the pole. Just something to know. The Dock Bushings (that fit into a 2” dock post) and Ground Stake Bushings (that fits over the standard Ground Stake) are meant to protect the fiberglass poles from having “wear spots” that would weaken a pole. We do not recommend that the 14’ pennant be installed on the 13.5’ Mid-Rise Pole or the 12’ JR Pole.
Important note about the pennants: Nylon and polyester pennants and flags which are flown continuously outdoors will normally begin to show slight signs of wear and fraying within the first 60 days due to sun, weather elements, wind gusting and constant movement. Most flag companies recommend replacing flags and pennants, that are in continuous use, about every 6 months to maintain the freshest, most colorful presentations. Also, pennants that are allowed to consistently touch or rub against objects such as trees, buildings and boat lifts will wear and deteriorate quickly. We do not recommend that the 14’ pennant be installed on the 13.5’ Mid-Rise Pole or the 12’ JR Pole.
Warranty Remedy: If, during the above warranty periods, your Dori Pole product fails to perform for material or workmanship reasons, please contact Consort for inspection and warranty certification. Please email a digital photo of the issue when possible. A Return Authorization Number must be obtained prior to returning any product. Collect shipments will be refused. Defective product will be repaired or replaced at Consort’s discretion and expense, and returned to the buyer.
Dori Pole Warranty regarding “Bird Deterrent”: Although we are constantly hearing that the various size Dori Poles and Pennants are effective as bird deterrents, we do not warranty this feature. Dori Poles were created as festival and special event signage and décor, and the bird deterrent feature was noticed many years ago. We estimate that they are about 95% effective and we rarely hear that they do not have some positive effect. Of course, there must be at least a 3-to 5 mph breeze for the movement to disturb the birds comfort zone (this is a guess as to how birds are effected by the large shadowy movement above them!).

What is the return policy for Dori Pole?

To ensure proper handling and to avoid confusion, no merchandise may be returned without prior written authorization from Dori Pole in the form of an issued Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number. Returned merchandise must be in new and unused condition. Collect shipments will be refused. Buyer agrees to pay return freight and/or reasonable storage charges for the merchandise returned without prior authorization regardless of the merits of the return. Liability for lost or damaged merchandise rests with the Buyer until such return is duly authorized and accepted by Dori Pole.

Inspection Policy
Buyer agrees to examine the product delivered from Dori Pole immediately upon receipt. Buyer agrees to advise Dori Pole of any product quality or quantity disputes within 3 business days of receipt. Buyer will examine immediately upon receipt each Dori Pole invoice and statement and will advise Dori Pole of any disputed pricing, transactions or statements within 10 business days of receipt, together with a written statement specifying the reasons for such dispute. Failure to notify Dori Pole of any dispute or of damaged goods within these time parameters shall constitute a complete waiver of any such disputes.

How does a Dori Pole work? What makes it different from other fluttering, flowing pennant, flag, or banner poles?

There are a few ways that Dori Pole is unique. First, it’s comprised of commercial pultruded fiberglass, not PVC, and will withstand considerable wind force. The “Swiveling Yoke” at the top, which attaches the pennant to the pole, is a unique and proprietary product especially designed for durability and long-term display and to avoid the pennant tangling onto the pole. There are 4 versions of the poles for Dori Pole, two sizes of standard and stock pennants and many, many solid color and two-color pennant choices. Also, we offer a complete line of mounting and display hardware for Dori Pole for ground mounting as well as lake docks and rafts.

Dori Pole is a creation of the late Landscape Architect, Vince Mackel, and is manufactured in the US by Consort Display Group in Kalamazoo, Michigan. It combines a tall fiberglass pole and a long, flowing horizontal pennant. The unique product gives any venue a lighter, happier feeling literally inviting folks to join in the fun. Three standard heights are shown on the Consort online store: 13.5’ tall telescoping Mid-Rise, 19’ tall telescoping pole standard and fixed height two-piece 12’ poles. The pennants float with the slightest breeze and fly out playfully, horizontally catching wind and attention. Dori Poles have been around since 1984, thus standing the “test of time”!

How do I order?

You may order the more popular Dori Pole products at our online store or through the resellers and dealers shown on the home page of this site (scroll down to map). Orders are acknowledged within 24 hours during regular business hours. Orders placed online with Consort ship within 3-5 business days once received. If you would like to order custom color pennants (that are not shown as available on the store), please contact us at info@consort.com or call at 800.525.6424 and 269.388.4532, ext. 0. Our sales team and customer service is also available 8am – 5pm EST M-F for any additional questions.

How are Dori Poles shipped?

All online orders are shipped either UPS or FedEx, ground service or air (if requested). For shipping questions contact customer service at info@consort.com or call at 800.525.6424 or 269.388.4532, ext. 0.

What are the lead times to ship my order?

For typical online orders of ten or fewer Dori Poles and stock color pennants, the lead-time is 3 to 5 business days, not including transit time. If a longer lead-time is required to prepare your order you will be contacted immediately. For custom solid color and two-color pennants allow up to two-weeks to ship date. Call if you have special requirements or questions.

How do I decide which height pole to purchase – the 19’ tall 3-piece with the 14’ pennant or the Mid-Rise 13.5′ or the 12’ tall junior with the 8’ pennant?

Good question! The 19’ tall pole and 14’ pennant is the most popular combination and is the best value for color, impact, “excitement in the air” and for lakeshore bird deterrent use. You will notice that once these are installed they tend to look smaller as they float high in the wind, so we recommend the bigger version for most applications. If you want a tall presentation but you think that trees or other obstructions may get in the way of a 14’ radius around your pole, you can also use an 8’ long pennant on the 19’ pole, instead of the 14’ pennant. The 13.5’ Mid-Rise is a perfect version for tailgating, open houses and residential use where trees or lack of space may be an issue. The 12’ two-piece fixed height JR is a slimmer version that is best for real estate open houses and to mount on lake raft to deter birds. The JR is more flexible and if heavy breezes are constant, we suggest the Mid-Rise for applications where you would like a shorter version Dori Pole.

Can I put an 8’ long pennant on top of the 19’ tall Dori Pole instead of the 14’ long pennant?

Yes, especially if you know that you do not have a clear 14’ radius around the pole to be free of trees and other obstructions. In that case, the 8’ long pennant is an excellent choice. But, if you do have the space, we believe you will like the longer pennant better for more color and action!

The 13.5’ Mid-Rise is designed for the 8’ pennant.

The 12’ tall JR Dori Pole with the 8’ long pennant is a wonderful attention-getter and most often used for color and flutter in yards, atop boat lifts, on lake rafts and as a promotional tool for real estate signs and events such as “open houses”. The lake raft use has two purposes – as a bird deterrent and as a visible sign to unobservant boaters that a raft is nearby.

For the best and most colorful presentation, however, the 19’ is the most effective option.

What exactly is the “Swiveling Yoke” at the top of the pole?

The “Swiveling Yoke” at the top, which attaches the pennants to the poles, is a unique and proprietary feature especially designed for durability and long-term display and to avoid the pennant tangling onto the pole. The stainless steel Yoke spins within a nylon bearing as directed by the prevailing wind. The ¼” round fiberglass arms that are provided with each Dori Pole pennant, fit into the metal yoke and the tension created by this installation keeps the arms in the Yoke. This hardware was originally designed for long-term commercial use at major festivals and events and is provided on all Dori Poles.

Note that the pennant can sometimes still “tangle” with the Swiveling Yoke if the Dori Pole is not straight and 90 degrees to the ground, or if unusual swirling or gusting winds allow the pennant to come over the top of the yoke. Most often it will untangle itself, but sometimes unmounting the pole to untangle the pennant may be required.

My pennant tangles sometimes, what’s up with that?!

The pennants can sometimes still “tangle” with the Swiveling Yoke if the Dori Pole is not straight and 90 degrees to the ground, or if unusual swirling or gusting winds allow the pennant to come over the top of the yoke. Most often it will untangle itself, if the pole is straight, but sometimes unmounting the pole to untangle the pennant may be required.

A Dori Pole that is not mounted to be very close to 90 degrees to the ground or lake, where the Pole is at a noticeable angle, will not allow the Swiveling Yoke to swivel freely, causing the pennant to favor one side and therefore be more prone to tangling in blustery winds.

If the pennant is tangled such that it appears that it will not correct itself, It is best for the life of the pennant to untangle it as soon as you can, especially if it has tied itself it a knot! Yes, that can happen! How they do that, we’ll never know!

Do Dori Poles really deter nuisance birds from the area?

For an overwhelming majority of folks who have used 19’ Dori Poles with 14’ pennants they do generally deter birds most from being under the pennants, although we cannot guarantee that it will for your location. Of course, there needs to be a bit of a breeze for the pennants to move to have them be noticed by the birds. Please note that the 8’ long pennant mounted to the 19’ tall Dori Pole may not be as effective as the 14’ long pennant on that same pole. We have personal experience with the bird deterrent aspect and know that they can deter birds from making nests under boat lifts / Shore Stations if the pole is mounted next to or on the lift. For best results you need to install it before spring “nest making” has begun for them to be most effective.

The shorter 12’ tall Junior pole with the 8’ long pennant may not be as effective for larger areas like docks and beaches but it is highly recommended by many customers to deter birds from their lake rafts; we have not yet heard of an instance where this type of installation has not been effective. Please note that the our experience shows that the 14’ long pennant on the 19’ pole is most effective as a deterrent. We do not see the 8’ long pennant being as effective for this use except when used on the shorter 12’ JR pole on rafts, where the pennant is flying closer to the surface of the raft.

Do they work as a bird deterrent for every application and for all birds?

We have received many accolades and testimonials of how well they deter most birds. However, although very rare, occasionally some stubborn geese and other birds are not deterred. So far, we know of only a handful of instances where the birds were not fazed. Please note that the our experience shows that the 14’ long pennant on the 19’ pole is most effective as a deterrent. We do not see the 8’ long pennant being as effective for this use except when used on the shorter 12’ JR pole on rafts, where the pennant is flying closer to the surface of the raft. To deter birds from making nests under boat lifts / Shore Stations it is best to install the Dori Poles prior to spring “nesting” has begun.

But, we also know that we have heard of installations where docks still have nuisance birds making messes even with the Dori Poles and even if there is are prevailing winds. Since we cannot directly communicate with birds in any meaningful way we’ve been unable to get their view of that thing that is fluttering above their heads and making that big shadow.

We’ve been asked by customers what color pennant is best for specific birds. Yes, we have been asked that. If you know the answer to that question we’d love to chat with you!

No, we do not guarantee the bird deterrent aspect but we do know that you’ll enjoy watching the color float easily through the breeze.

What are the most common places that Dori Poles are used to deter birds?

We and our customers first began to notice this effect at lake docks and beaches several ago. Before that, all lake-oriented Dori Poles were installed just because they were colorful and festive and identified the homeowner’s property. Now there are two reasons to install Dori Poles! The typical area where we see the most success is a standard-sized lake lot of 60’ to 100’ wide with a small beach and a dock. A Dori Pole mounted on the dock tends to move the birds to other areas of the lake.

Dori Pole Junior (JR) models are proven effective for lake rafts and we have many testimonials to that effect. We have customers that have had positive results with the 19’ three-piece and the taller 22’ pole at golf courses, automobile dealerships and on lake and riverside properties.

Please know that there are a few documented instances where birds have not been deterred. We have not experienced those instances, so we are not able to determine why they sometimes do not faze the birds. Again, our experience shows that the 14’ long pennant on the three-piece telescoping 19’ pole is most effective as a deterrent. We do not see the 8’ long pennant being as effective for this use except when used on the shorter 12’ JR pole on rafts, where the pennant is flying closer to the surface of the raft. We are getting reports that the 13.5’ Mid-Rise Pole with an 8’ pennant can also be effective on a lake dock.

How do I install my 19’ tall Dori Pole on the ground?

For the 19’ and 13.5’ tall poles there are two standard methods for ground mounting (note: for more graphic installation instructions go to the “Learn’ section and then to “Installing Dori Pole”). For typical grass-type surfaces, the Ground Stake option is the easiest. Simply drive the yellow metal stake into firm soil, place the 1” diameter aluminum tube bushing over that and the Dori Pole over that (the bushing tube is not needed with the 13.5’ Mid-Rise pole). You may need to reposition the Ground Stake every couple months depending on the firmness of the soil. For the best presentation, make sure your Dori Pole is as straight and level as possible. Also, when hammering the metal stake into the ground be sure to protect the metal top with a block of wood or other semi hard material so that the top of the metal stake does not become flared and damaged.

If you would like a more permanent method for the 19’ pole, it can be installed using the Ground Sleeve that is placed into the ground, which is meant to be installed into the ground and embedded into concrete (go to “Learn” and “Installing Dori Pole). Accessories are available separately on the online store for purchase.

How do I install my Dori Pole Junior?

For temporary surface mounting on firm soil, use the Dori Pole Junior Ground Sleeve. This may have to be repositioned occasionally, as the wind will tilt the Pole through time. Also, when hammering the metal tube into the ground be sure to protect the metal top with a block of wood or other semi hard material so that the top of the metal tube is not flared and damaged.

How do I install my 19’ or 13.5′ Dori Pole onto a lake dock?

We have prepared some ideas for you about mounting onto lake docks. On the home page please click on “Learn” and then “Installing Dori Pole”. You will find our Dori Pole Dock Mount Kit and our Dock Mount Bracket, along with instructions. Also, you’ll see that if you already have a standard dock post of at least 1-1/2” interior diameter, you can simply slip the Dori Pole into the dock post. But, we recommend some kind of “stops” on the post so that the Dori Pole doesn’t sink into the post more than about 20”. This can be done with a 2-1/2” horizontal bolt installed 18” to 20” down from the top of the post or a piece of wood or broom handle, for example, that will take up the space between the bottom of the Dori Pole and the lake bottom. Your Dori Pole comes with two “O-Rings” in case you are mounting the Pole into a post and need the O-Rings as bushings.

If you would like a more permanent method, look at our Dori Pole Ground Sleeve which is meant to be installed into the ground and embedded into concrete. Installation accessories are available separately on the online store for purchase.


We have found no evidence that one color is more effective than another at deterring nuisance birds. It is the constant fluttering motion of the pennant and the shadow that it casts, which keeps birds out of the area

How close together can I install Dori Poles? How far away from objects do they need to be?

The clear diameter needed for the 14’ long pennant is 28’ and 16’ for the 8’ long junior pennant. We typically allow about 20’ between the tall poles when we want them as close as practicable. Assuming the wind is blowing in one direction this allows an extra five feet between the end of a pennant and the next pole. Keep all pennants at least 2’ away from tree branches, wires and all structures.

Do not let your pennants constantly come in contact with any objects, as they will quickly become damaged.


The 19’ tall Dori Pole with a 14’ long pennant will deter birds in approximately a 20’ radius. We recommend installing the poles in a centrally located, problem area of your dock where the birds frequent, and spacing poles 20’ apart to fully cover your dock.

For a diagram, visit the following link


What is the difference between our Flag Nylon pennants and our Polyester Printed pennants?

Our standard solid color and two-color (collegiate) pennants are made with the best Solarmax® nylon available. Our supplier, Glaser Mills, stocks all the colors we show on our website: https://www.doripole.com/solid-pennant-flag-color-options/. This same nylon fabric is used by a majority of US flag manufacturers.

Our “Specialty” pennants and Custom Imprinted pennants are made with polyester fabric using what’s called dye sublimation printing. This allows virtually any design* to be on the pennant, but is more expensive to manufacture. We cannot print custom images on the Solarmax nylon.
The two Specialty, dye sublimation pennants that we currently offer are the “Stars & Stripes” and the “Maple Leaf”. We’ll be adding more soon.

There is a slight difference in the UV rating for the nylon versus polyester, due to the way in which color is absorb by the two fabrics. The fade resistance of the dye sublimation pennants (Stars & Stripes, Maple Leaf and any custom imprinted pennants) may provide at least one-third longer strong color life in typical sun conditions versus the nylon.

If you’re curious about how our nylon pennant products measure up to the major flag makers, check out www.glasermills.com, and see that all the major flag manufacturers that use the same nylon for their flags.

*Note: Dye sublimation printing is a bleed-through to the other side. The “back side” of the printing will be slightly less dense but once the pennant is on the pole and in the air, that difference is not distinguishable.


Yes. We suggest hand washing your Dori Pennants in warm water with a small amount of mild liquid soap such as Dawn®. You can use a soft bristle brush to help remove dirt if needed. Drying should be done by air drying.

How long will the nylon pennants last in typical sun and wind?

Dori Pole pennants are manufactured in the US with Solarmax® nylon fabric, the most colorfast flag material available. Originally developed by DuPont, it is now a product of InVista™. As you can imagine or may already know pennants and flags that are constantly outside and continually moving in the wind and subjected to sometimes intense sunlight, will be subject to wear and fading. The very elements that make fluttering, flowing and colorful flags and pennants enjoyable (the sun and constant breezes) will also eventually wear on them. This happens more quickly in sunny areas than in partly cloudy areas and effects some colors differently than others. Orange nylon appears to be the least fade resistant and the darker colors seem to be the best. White is terrific!

If you do some web research to flag company sites you’ll see that they all have similar statements about nylon flag longevity and some mention of sunlight intensity. We know that a pennant that is out 24 hours a day in Michigan will last longer than one in Hawaii, for example. In most climates you can expect a flag to be attractive for one to two full years if out all year around and for certainly more than that if only out in the summertime at a vacation home.



First of all, please know that our Solid Color, 2-color and patriotic pennants are all made from the best “flag” nylon available – Glaser Mills Solarmax®, and will last as long or longer than most any commercially available nylon flag.

To answer the question, yes there is. We had “Accelerated Weather Testing” done on samples of our Royal Blue Solarmax® nylon fabric that were pretreated with three different products made for adding UV protection to fabrics. All three are available in various retail stores. The three each added some fade resistance. You can decide how often you would apply these. For example, if you only display your Dori Pole pennants seasonally, you might treat them in the beginning of the season. If yours are out all year, a couple times might be best. The easiest to apply is the Scotchgard but isn’t quite as effective as the top two noted below, so more frequent applications could be applied in that case. We applied the coatings to both sides of the pennants, according to each manufacturer’s instructions. The rankings from best to good are:

ForceField UV SunBlock™ Fabric Protector – www.shieldindustries.com
303® Aerospace Protectant – www.303products.com
3M Scotchgard™ Water & Sun Shield – www.scotchgard.com/3M/en_US/scotchgard/products/outdoor/
You may find others on the internet as well but we have only tested the above products.


This combination of a 14ft pennant with the 13.5ft Mid-Rise Dori Pole will not work as the pennant is longer then the pole. The pennant may not get enough loft as it is so close to the ground which could be less successful in deterring birds. Also, You do not want the pennant to be able to touch the ground or other objects as it will wear down the pennant very quickly and or the pennant could get wrapped around the Dori Pole more easily.

What type of wind conditions will my Dori Pole withstand?

Our official statement on this is that Dori Poles are warranted in winds up to 35 mph and that pennants should not be flown when wind gusts exceed 35 mph. In most US states, the average wind speed is 6 mph to 15 mph and rarely gets to 35 mph. Dori Poles have routinely withstood 50 mph with typically no negative affects but, due to other objects that might be flying around in those sorts of conditions which may damage the Dori Poles or pennants, we cannot warrant the product above 35 mph. Since the pennants fly straight out horizontally during heavy winds there is not much wind resistance. But, Dori Poles are usually easily temporarily taken down if a major storm in predicted.

Can Dori Poles be used in the cold and snowy winter and on hot desert isles?

Yes! All Dori Poles and Pennants are weather resistant for typically non-catastrophic conditions from the equator up to the Arctic Circle and down to the Antarctic Circle (see the FAQ about WIND). The pole is pultruded fiberglass and is manufactured with the same materials as fiberglass flag poles, which generally can withstand temperatures of +120⁰ F down to -50⁰ F. We have Dori Pole installations in North American in virtually every weather condition. Our home base is Michigan where many poles and pennants are left out year around, including at our manufacturing facility. Here, we never take a pole down even when there’s violently blustery blizzards battering us. However, for the greatest longevity of pennant life, we do recommend that the pennants be removed when winds above 35mph are forecast. We don’t do that, but we recommend that YOU do that! Why? Our pennants are, of course, fabric – the best SolarMax nylon available – but we all know that typical flags get battered by wind and extreme conditions will shorten their life.

Can I put a Dori Pole on top of a tent?

Yes! Go to the Gallery and scroll down until you see the white tents with white Dori pennants on top. In the case of that installation, JR Dori Poles were zip-tied to the center tent poles. Note that the Dori Pole top Swiveling Yoke is not designed to be removed or attached separately to other poles. You may place a complete Dori Pole next to a tent pole and “marry” them with zip ties but the yoke must be clearly above the top of the flag pole to allow it to swivel unencumbered. Also, allow the top to be high enough so that the pennants are free to fly above the top of the ten. Dori Pole products are not warranted with this installation, but it’s pretty cool anyway!

Can the pennants be custom imprinted or have custom designs on them?

Yes, both. Custom digitally printed pennants (polyester) are available. “See Custom Imprinted Pennants” under LEARN/Resources. Certain minimum quantities may apply. (Note: “non-licensed” means that we cannot print images such as actual college logos or other trademarked logos without the written permission of the trademark owner.) Our Art Department is pleased to design custom pennants for a nominal fee. Contact your Sales Representative for more information.

Can I mount a standard US flag (or other flag) on a Dori Pole?

Our Dori Poles with the “Swiveling Yoke” are not designed to fly rectangular flags. However, we now offer a Dori FlagPole option. This is a 19’ Telescoping pole that does not have the Swiveling Yoke but instead has two Flag Rings to attach a 3’ x 5’ or smaller, standard flag. See: https://www.doripole.com/dori_flagpole/. The Dori Flagpole can be installed with any of the Dori Pole hardware options. See: https://www.doripole.com/learn/mounting-hardware/ . We offer 3’ x 5’ US and Canada Flags on the online store. See: https://www.doripole.com/shop/dori-flagpole/

Do Dori Poles require any special care or maintenance?

For the fiberglass poles the only maintenance that we recommend is that you apply a coat of marine/car wax to the poles once per year to deter oxidation of the surface. Use a wax that has a UV inhibitor if possible.

Am I responsible for duties and taxes?

A Canadian Service Fee is added to orders shipping into Canada for Duties and Taxes.

How do I install my Dori Pole Pennant onto the Yoke with these black rubber caps?

Those black caps are just added for shipping so that your Dori Pole does not ruin the packaging. All you need to do is remove the black rubber caps and then you can mount your Dori Pole Pennant to the swiveling yoke.

For an image of this visit the instructions section of website https://www.doripole.com/instructional-videos/

Do I need to use the O-Rings when using a Dori Pole and Ground Stake?

No, the O-Rings are not needed when putting a Dori Pole on a Ground Stake Mount.

When do I use the (Silver or Black) Ground Stake Bushing Tube?

For the Ground Stake installation you are only required to use the silver or black bushing tube if you are installing a 19-foot Dori Pole onto our Dori Pole Ground Stake, you do not need to use the bushing tube when using a 13.5 Foot Dori Pole

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